Monday, March 6, 2017

Primal Rifts

Primal Rifts is a betting event where players can get creature shards and crafting resources.

Primal Rifts Event Icon

Your decks are not used in this event. Primal Rifts mini-game is based on luck and your aptitude for betting.


Every day of the event, you get to play the "Rift I" 5 times. Entry is free in Rift I. As soon as you join, you go to a room and wait for 8 players to complete the group. Once the group of eight is complete, you all go in together.

The three Rifts. Only first one is free.

The gem rifts require only 4 players to start.

The Rift has 5 stages. In each stage, you are allowed to open a chest from among 6 chests. A chest might contain a reward or a trap. If it is a trap, you are out of the game immediately. If it is a reward, you gain some rift points, the rewards (crafting materials and 4 star shards) and progress to the next stage in the rift.

There are three traps hidden among the 6 chests as shown by the skull

If you complete all the 5 stages successfully, you get a 5 star creature shard or a sparc as the reward.


Every player gets a free "detect trap" roll. Players can also bid gems for revealing a trap. This is the only place where your group mates matter. If someone else in your group bids higher than you, the trap will be revealed to him.

If you are not planning to spend gems in the rift, your best strategy is to use the free turn of "detect trap" in the first round. That way you get to go past round 1, 90% of the times. If you plan to bid gems, then it might be better to use gems to bid in the first round when most others might be using their free 'detect trap'. You can use your free 'detect trap' in the later stages when the bidding is high.

If you do not open a chest before the time runs out, the game puts you into idle mode and continues to play for you. You can return anytime and collect the accumulated rewards.

Gem Rifts

Rift II & III costs 240 and 600 gems respectively to enter. The gem cost is per entry.

The gem rifts are similar in most aspects. It takes more time for players to join and complete the group to start the game. People in gem rifts bid aggressively. The rewards are 5 star shards in place of 4 star shards in the free rift.

You are ranked based on the points you have accumulated in the game. Ranks 1-100 gets additional gifts as well at the end of the event.

Rewards for the top ranks.

What is your experience with playing Primal Gifts? Do you have a different strategy?

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